The GRI Zambia Primate Project (ZPP) is dedicated to rescuing primates negatively impacted by human intervention, in particular the illegal wildlife trade, and releasing them back into the wild.
Project Manager, Cosmas Mumba, has been actively rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing primates back into the wild since 2002 when he joined the Lunga Lushwishi Wildlife Project, which operated until 2009 under Born Free. In order to save more primates and have greater impact Cosmas joined forces with Dr Cheryl Mvula MBE who in 2009 founded the Zambia Primate Project with critical and ongoing funding from Born Free and the Department of National Parks and Wildlife.
Over time ZPP became an independent, non-profit Zambian organisation, joining forces with GRI in 2015 for two years and then resuming independence again. In May 2023 with the support of its primary partners Born Free, Olsen Animal Trust and Humane Society International – Australia, ZPP was formally and fully incorporated into Game Rangers International to further develop capacity, enhance systems and professionalise and develop research capabilities.
As with all GRI projects, ZPP continues to work closely with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife to rescue primates from their chains and return them to their natural habitats. Through ZPP, GRI will focus on ensuring the safety, welfare, and protection of primates in Zambia.
Meet the ZPP team
Joining the Game Rangers International Team for the Zambia Primate Project.
Primate Project Supporters
Zambia Primate Project was established with thanks to critical funding by Born Free who remain committed to its vision and future. The project recruited the support of Humane Society International (HIS) Australia in 2010 and in 2016 GRI partners, Olsen Animal Trust (OAT) also joined the troop. We are incredibly grateful to the ongoing support and commitment of these valued primary partners to ensure the continuation and survival of this much needed welfare project. The Zambia Primate Project operates in partnership with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife to give displaced and injured wildlife a second chance for life. DNPW provide critical support for confiscations, convictions, veterinary care and security services and we are hugely thankful for their ongoing support and belief in our mission and vision. Since 2022 African Parks have been responsible for the management of Kafue National Park where the primates are released, and we are incredibly thankful to their generous support in security, infrastructure and accessibility, enabling the primates to find a safe place to call home.
The GRI - Zambia Primate Project is proudly supported by Primary Partners
Operational partners