It is time to take it to the next level. Are you ready for the
Elephant EPIC?
Funds raised will go to the frontline of conservation
The Elephant EPIC MTB!
The Elephant EPIC is back and this year it is bigger and better than ever.
The EPIC is an annual mountain biking event where riders cycle from Lusaka to the Lower Zambezi over 75kms.

22nd June, 2024
All the while you will be raising vital funds and awareness for the conservation of wildlife and wild spaces!
All donations raised through the Elephant EPIC will go to directly to the frontline of conservation through our three programmes, Wildlife Rescue, Resource Protection and Community Outreach.

Why the Elephant EPIC?
Our annual mountain bike race is vital to the conservation of wildlife and wild spaces!
The Game Rangers Elephant EPIC is began in 2012 with a handful of cyclists in Zambia taking part in the challenge. Today, the EPIC attracts over 200 cyclists in Zambia.
EPIC MErchandise!
EPIC since 2012!
A thank you to Wendy Moolenschot
Wendy Moolenschot was the founder of the Elephant EPIC in 2012. Growing up on a farm she visited Kruger National Park annually and developed a love for Africa and its wildlife. With a passion for conservation and for cycling, Wendy has cycled in many events to raise funds for various projects including Wildlands in South Africa, victims of violence and rape, Weenen Game Reserve. The EPIC was her way of supporting the wildlife and wild spaces in Zambia and 12 years on, it is the global event you see today! Thank you, Wendy for not only launching our annual sporting event but for your commitment and passion for supporting conservation issues throughout Africa!

Being a mother myself and lover of animals, seeing the confused and alone elephant orphan, Kavala Manje, in the old horse stables behind the Lilayi lodge in Zambia filled me with a great need to help as best I could.
My husband and I had been honorary officers for a game reserve in South Africa prior to moving to Zambia, involved in maintenance of the reserve, and helping to organise an annual MTB Race to raise funds for the reserve.
So, I simply did what I knew best and started the Elephant Epic MTB Race. The first MTB destination race in Zambia at the time. The Elephant Epic has evolved and changed over the years - 2012 to present - into an event I am truly proud of. Game Rangers International has certainly honoured my original code and has become a voice for so many voiceless! Humans and animals!
Wendy Moolenschot, Founder of the Elephant EPIC
Our EPIC sponsors
Thank you to the EPIC Sponsors who support our MTB Challenge in Zambia. Without their generosity the Elephant EPIC MTB Challenge would not be possible. You are all conservation champions.