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Eyes On Wild Elephants

“Never before have we been involved in satellite collaring of wild elephants, but a research partnership with Assistant Professor, Dr Daniella Chusyd of Indiana University has now given us this exciting opportunity to really understand the elephants of Kafue National Park, where the orphans are being released.”

Rachael Murton, Wildlife Rescue Director, narrates as Game Rangers International, in collaboration with Dr Daniella Chusyd and the Department of National Parks and Wildlife embarks on the collaring of 6 wild elephants.

Further to ensuring we have eyes on the orphans who are being released back into the wild, it is vital we also get a picture of their integration with wild elephants by understanding the herds that they will be living amongst.

Daniella, has been collaborating with GRI since 2021 and we are hugely grateful that she has joined our team in a voluntary capacity as a Special Advisor for Research. Her role provides GRI with technical guidance and support for research planning, formulation and activities, as well as expanding our technical network for specialist inputs.

GRI’s Eyes on the Elephants campaign aims to increase remote monitoring capabilities of the orphaned elephants, please consider a donation today to help us attain the fundamental technology required.

$15 could provide an SD memory card

$30 could provide 8 rechargeable batteries to power a camera trap

$200 could provide a high spec robust camera trap with video and Infrared illumination.


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