Ian Hoad, GRI's Special Technical Advisor, spoke to USAID about the virtual fence-line created by the Connected Conservation Project (CCP) in their most recent newsletter. CCP is a partnership of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Game Rangers International (GRI), and Zambia’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) as well as brought in private sector partners CISCO Systems and Teledyne FLIR.
The 19km long “virtual” fence line across Lake Itezhi Tezhi hosts FLIR thermal cameras which records every boat crossing in and out of the park, day and night.

GRI supported Community Scouts Evelyn Muzhiwo and Linda Shanambe on duty
Funding from USAID via a grant from VukaNow has enabled the training of the Community Scouts who monitor these cameras to coordinate boat operations to intercept this illegal activity. The project team is currently developing, through the same grant, the inbuilt FLIR Analytics technology to detect boats entering the park automatically, and the generated alerts will be displayed on, and notifications sent by, EarthRanger.
Read USAID's full newsletter featuring news of their conservation projects here.